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Video Gallery

Transforming the Higher Education System:
India’s Defining Challenge & Opportunity of the 
21st Century!


A talk at an interactive session with Stanford University students and alumni. Shail Kumar (July 2018)

India's Higher Education:

A $10 Trillion Opportunity!


Talk at the IIT Leadership Conference.

Shail Kumar (June 2017)

Building Golden India


Talk to Stanford and UC Berkeley students. Shail Kumar 

(October 2016)

India’s Higher Education:
A $10 Trillion Opportunity!


A talk at IIT Alumni of Greater Houston (IITAGH). 

Shail Kumar (April 2018)

India’s Higher Education System: How can we unleash a $10 Trillion opportunity?


Talk with UC Berkeley students.

Shail Kumar (April 2017)

Role of higher education in building a Golden India

—a panel discussion

Panelist: Profs. R. Goldman, A. Paulraj, and K. Saraswat;

Consul General Venkatesan Ashok; and Shail Kumar

(April 2016)

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