Nalanda 2.0 has an exceptional team Board of Directors, and Global Advisory Council consisting of leaders from the academia, industry and civil society. The team collectively has leadership, academic, administrative, and educational experiences from several world-class multidisciplinary research universities such as Stanford, Harvard, UC Berkeley and UC San Diego, and India's premier institutions such as the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs). Team also includes a growing group of volunteers and supporters.
Enabling individual, societal and national growth
Nalanda 2.0 is a Non-Partisan Think Tank with the Goal of Making India's Higher Education System World-Class

Why it matters: Higher education is the bedrock of individual, societal, and national growth. Unfortunately, India's higher education system is severely underperforming, struggling to meet the needs of its students, parents, industry, and society at large. With over 1/6th of global humanity in India, transforming India’s higher education system is not only crucial for the country’s development but also a critical contribution to global progress.
Read the 5-point case that highlights the importance and urgency of transforming India’s higher education system
What has Nalanda 2.0 Accomplished So Far?

Since its inception in 2016, Nalanda 2.0 has focused on a three-pronged action plan for making an impact on India's higher education system: 1) Raising awareness and building consensus, 2) Advocating for policy-level changes, and 3) Building a world-class multidisciplinary research university in India.
The Time to Reform India’s Education System is Now

Lagging far behind developed nations in university rankings, India must transform its ailing higher education system.
Lessons from Nalanda University of Ancient Times and Stanford University of Modern Era for a New India

The lessons from Nalanda of ancient India and Stanford of modern era offer a compelling roadmap to create a better future for India’s youth, society, and its economy.
What can States in India Learn from California, a Trailblazer in the Knowledge Economy

One idea can change the trajectory of a state's economy and its people—create a world-class higher education system.
India's National Education Policy (NEP) was Approved in 2020

India’s National Education Policy approved by the Governmemt of India in 2020 (NEP2020) is a significant step in the right direction. When implemented thoughtfully and with a sense of urgency it can make India more vibrant and the lives of its people much better. We are also pleased to note that many of the transformative educational reforms that Nalanda 2.0 advocated are in the NEP 2020.
CALL TO ACTION: For all those who care about a significantly more vibrant India

Learn more about the importance and urgency of reforming India's higher education system: Read:
Building Golden India: How to unleash India's vast potential and transform its higher education system. Now. (published October 2015), the book that is the foundation for Nalanda 2.0
Engage with and support Nalanda 2.0:
Take action(s) on the ground:
Incorporate one or more ideas outlined in Building Golden India to improve an existing university in India
Build a new world-class multidisciplinary research university in India.